
This is a modified version of a volume renderer that I wrote for a visualizations course that I took in Winter 2007. It is a fairly simple ray-casting volume renderer. The only utility I see it having is that of an example for someone who is trying to write their own volume renderer. I aptly titled it "VolRend" since I was was unable to come up with something more creative. The name is so generic that a number of other volume renderers share it.


VolRend is written in C++ and utilizes OpenGL and Qt 4.2. Therefore, you must have Qt 4.2 installed to build VolRend. The application has been compiled and tested on multiple linux distributions, and on windows using the MinGW compiler. Build instructions are included in the README.txt file in the archive.

VolRend (cross-platform source code)

Some datasets for use with VolRend can be found here. VolRend supports the .vol format.
